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EasySwoole is a resident memory-based distributed PHP framework based on Swoole Server. It is designed for APIs and gets rid of the performance loss caused by process evoke and file loading in traditional PHP running mode. EasySwoole highly encapsulates the Swoole Server and still maintains the original features of the Swoole Server. It supports simultaneous mixing of HTTP, custom TCP, and UDP protocols, allowing developers to write multi-process, asynchronous, and highly available applications with minimal learning cost and effort. service. In development, we have prepared the following common components for you:

  • HTTP WEB component

  • TCP, UDP, WEB_SOCKET components

  • redis connection pool

  • mysql connection pool

  • Custom process

  • Distributed cross-platform RPC components

  • WeChat public number and applet SDK

  • Correspondence version WeChat, Alipay payment SDK

  • Template rendering engine

  • Tracker link tracking

  • Current limiter

  • message queue

  • Coroutine HTTP client component

  • apollo configuration center

  • validate validator

  • Verification code

  • fast-cache component

  • Policy permission component

  • IOC, coroutine context manager

Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, Swoole has the built-in PHP coroutine and async support, multiple threads I/O modules. Developers can use sync or async, coroutine API to write the applications or create thousands of light weight corotuines within one PHP process. Swoole PHP network framework enhances the efficiency of R&D team, enable them to focus on the development of innovative products.

  • Event-Driven, Coroutine, Asynchronous Programming For PHP

  • Async TCP / UDP / HTTP / Websocket / HTTP2 Client/Server Side API

  • IPv4 / IPv6 / Unixsocket / TCP/ UDP And SSL / TLS / DTLS Support

  • Native Coroutine Support

  • High Performance, Scalable, Support C1000K

  • Milliseconds Task Scheduler

  • Free And Open Source

  • Multiprocessing And Daemonize

Last updated

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