Insert text

Function Prototype

insertText(int $row, int $column, string|int|double $data[, string $format, resource $formatHandler])

int $row

cell row

int $column

cell column

string | int | double $data

What needs to be written

string $format

Content format

resource $formatHandler

cell style


$excel = new \Vtiful\Kernel\Excel($config);

$textFile = $excel->fileName("free.xlsx")
     ->header(['name', 'money']);

for ($index = 0; $index < 10; $index++) {
     $textFile->insertText($index+1, 0, 'viest');
     $textFile->insertText($index+1, 1, 10000, '#,##0'); // #,##0 is the cell data style


Digital Style Example

For more styles, please refer to the Excel Microsoft documentation.

"0 \"dollar and\" .00 \"cents\""

Last updated

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